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Head's of Public Sector Agencies

Head's of Public Sector Agencies

Heads of Public Sector Agencies are appointed by the Public Service Commissioner and are responsible to a Minister for the performance of their agency.

They have a responsibility to protect the integrity of the Public Service, and deliver high-quality outcomes for Cook Islanders working across the system. Heads of Public Sector Agencies build a strong and diverse workforce, which is unified around a spirit of service and works across agency boundaries.

The Public Service Act 2009 governs the role of Heads of Public Sector Agencies, and each one has responsibilities to their Minister for:

  • the performance and operation of their agency

  • providing advice to ministers

  • implementing the policy and programmes of the Government of the day

  • developing and maintaining the capability of the Public Service

  • promoting diversity and fostering workplaces that are inclusive of all groups

Heads of Public Sector Agencies support their ministers to be accountable in Parliament. Heads of Public Sector Agencies and sometimes their Executive Officers may appear before Parliamentary select committees to review their department’s expenditure and annual reports. Heads of Public Sector Agencies are responsible to the Public Service Commissioner for:

  • ensuring their agency upholds Public Service Principles

  • preserving the spirit of service to the community that Public Service employees bring to their work

Current Heads of Public Sector Agencies

Carl Hunter | Public Service Commissioner, Head of Service
Ben Ponia | Office of the Prime Minister, Chief of Staff
Temarama Anguna-Kamana | Secretary of Agriculture
Teokotai Joseph | Secretary of Corrective Services
Emile Kairua | Secretary of Cultural Development
Owen Lewis | Secretary of Education
Garth Henderson | Secretary of Finance and Economic Management
Tepaeru Herrmann | Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Immigration
Bob Williams | Secretary of Health
Elizabeth Wright-Koteka | Secretary of Infrastructure
Anne Herman | Secretary of Internal Affairs
Peter Graham | Secretary of Justice
Pamela Maru | Secretary of Marine Resources
John Hosking | Secretary of Transport

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